
1st Registration of the Season

Posted by East End Eagles on Feb 26 2016 at 03:48AM PST

Eagles Nation,

Here is a reminder about our first registration for the 2016 season. THIS SATURDAY!!!! REVISED TIME!!!!!

Date: Saturday, February 27

Time: 10am – 12pm

Location: Chavez High School
(@ Football Field House)
8501 Howard Dr.
Houston, TX 77017

Football Information:
- ONLY 2015 EEE Returning Players are allowed to registered on February 27th
- Registration: $175 + fundraisers
- Minimum Down Payment: $75 (non-refundable)
- Please bring your player so he can be weighed.

Drill, Cheer, and Mascots Information:
- Registration is open to anyone.
- Cheer: $400 + fundraisers (Must earn your spot at try-outs)
- Drill: $300 + fundraisers (8 – 13 years old)
- Mascots: $200 + fundraisers (5 – 7 years old)
- Minimum Down Payment: $75 (non-refundable)
- If your child is new to the EEE program, please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate.

Cheer Try-outs Information:
- Cheer Try-outs Fee: $75 (non-refundable)
- Cheer Practice Week: March 21 – 25
- Cheer Try-outs Date: Saturday, March 26 (Easter weekend)
- Cheer Age: 9 – 13 years old (your child’s age on August 1st)
- Returning Cheerleaders must tryout.

Other Football Registration Dates:
- Saturday, March 5 (Returning players, siblings of returning players, children of Board Members and coaching staff, BAFL transfers)
- Saturday, April 2 (Football registration is open to anyone)
- Time and Location: TBA

Additional Dates for Drill & Mascots Registration/Cheer Try-outs Sign-ups
- Saturday, March 5
- Saturday, March 12
- Monday, March 21 (Before Cheer practice)
- Saturday, April 2
- Time and Location: TBA

Welcome Eric Estrada to the head coaching ranks. He is the new Sophomore division Head Coach.

Welcome Natalie Esparza to the East End Eagles board.

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
- Please support our neighbors, The Knights of Columbus. They have always helped the East End Eagles many times over the years.
- Every Friday During Lent (February 12 – March 25)
- 11 am – 6 pm
- Location: 420 Telephone Road near Polk
- $8 per plate
- Free deliveries for orders of 7 or more
- Fried or Grilled Tilapia, blessed portions of French fries or baked potato, corn, salad, hush puppies, cookies


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